Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How to Turn On Android Debug Mode for Google Glass?

How to Turn On Android Debug Mode for Google Glass?

For any developers or anyone that wants to simply "sideload" Android APKs to their Google Glass, this is the option for you!

Go to Settings on your Google Glass:

In Settings, navigate to Device info:

Tap the side of your Glass to toggle Debug mode on or off:

How to take Screenshots with Google Glass?

How to take Screenshots with Google Glass?

In order to take screenshots with Google Glass as of now is to simply do it via the command line with ADB!

Check out these two commands that can easily take care of this for you:

adb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/FILE.png
adb pull /sdcard/FILE.png FILE.png

How to view your Google Glass or Android Device on your Computer?

How can you view your Google Glass or other Android Device on your own Computer?

You can view your Google Glass screen or Android device using the Android Screen Monitor!

Download the ".jar" file here:


Here is how to run the ".jar" file from Terminal:

java -jar asm.jar

Here is how it looks!

How can you get started with your Google Glass?

Getting started with Google Glass!

When using Google Glass it is best to use an Android device, therefore you can maximize your abilities through Bluetooth and the MyGlass Android app with the Google Glass.

When you first turn your Google Glass on, here is what you will see, the time and "ok glass":

Download the MyGlass application for your Android device: Naturally your Google Glass will have Bluetooth already enabled, which makes it easy to pair with your Android device. Take a look at the application and run through the setup to get started with Google Glass!

Pairing the Google Glass and the MyGlass app allows for notifications to be sent directly from your device to your Glass! Watch the Official Google video here:

Monday, November 25, 2013

OpenQuartz: Google Glass Open Source Development

OpenQuartz: Google Glass Open Source Development

Much like quartz sand is the main ingredient in most commercial glass, we want OpenQuartz to be the main "ingredient" in the future development for Google Glass!

Find the repository here: https://github.com/jaredsburrows/OpenQuartz

Here is an OpenCV Android implementation of Face Detection!

Example Applications for Google Glass(/example-apps)

  • GDK
  • Misc
    • Glass Preview - Jared Burrows
      • "Hotfix" for Google Glass camera preview - post-XE10
    • Face Detection - Jared Burrows
      • "Hotfix" for Google Glass camera preview - post-XE10

Google Glass Application Source Code(/glass-source):

UPDATE(11/19/13): GDK is now out! You can still easily decompile applications using this method.
Since the GDK is not yet released, we can look around how the current Google Glass Android applications were compile by breaking them down. The decompiled Google Glass applications are included. Here are a list of tools to decompile the native APKs:
Read more:

Third Party Applications(/third-party):

Here are helpful applications to install on your Glass in order to start testing and developing.

Basic ADB Usage(From Terminal or CMD Prompt):

Since there is no "Google Play" for the Glass yet, we have to side load Android applications for now.
  • Installing/Uninstall Applications(.apks):
    • adb install -r FILE.apk
    • adb uninstall FILE.apk
  • Running the Application:
    • adb shell am start -n PACKAGE.NAME/.MAIN.ACTIVITY.NAME
  • List all Packages on your Android Device:
    • adb shell pm list packages -f
  • List all Relative Information about your Android Device:
    • adb shell dumpsys
      • adb shell dumpsys battery
      • adb shell dumpsys wifi
      • adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo
      • adb shell dumpsys meminfo
        • adb shell dumpsys meminfo PACKAGE.NAME
    • adb shell cat "/system/build.prop" | grep "product"
  • Show the AndroidManifest for an APK
    • aapt dump xmltree FILE.apk AndroidManifest.xml
  • Screenshots from Commandline
    • adb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/screenshot.png
    • adb pull /sdcard/screenshot.png screenshot.png
Read more:

Current Open Source Projects:

Pre-GDK Glass Applications:

Important Libraries:

Google Glass Resources:


Copyright (C) 2013 OpenQuartz
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Google Glass Frequently Asked Questions

Google Glass Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a small list of questions I was asked within my first week with the Google Glass! I will continue to update and add more unique questions that help try and explain my experience with the Google Glass.

  1. What are you wearing?
Google Glass.

  1. Is your vision so bad, you need those to see?
No, I’m just wearing Google Glass.

  1. How much does it cost?
Google Glass Explorer Edition costs $1500, not including taxes.

  1. Can you see the screen clearly?
Yes, your vision is hardly blocked and the glass on the Google Glass is clear.

  1. What is on your glasses?
I am not wearing Glasses, I am wearing a pair of Google Glass.

  1. Is that Google Glass?

  1. How did you get Google Glass?

  1. Are you a beta tester?
I am a Google Glass Explorer.

  1. What do you see exactly?
I can show you what I see with screencast but basically my vision is not blocked at all. When I look through the Glass, when it is on, I can see the Google Glass interface. (link for more information)

  1. Are you a developer?
Yes, but you don’t have to be a developer to obtain Google Glass.

  1. How can I get a pair?

  1. Hey, I thought that did not come out yet?
They should come out around sometime next year during quarter 2.

  1. What is Google Glass?

  1. Do they actually come with a pair of Glasses?
Yes, I have actually seen posts on Google Plus about people getting prescriptions for Google Glass.

  1. What is Google Glass?


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Friday, August 2, 2013

How to setup Raspberry PI

How to setup Raspberry PI
First, order your Raspberry PI here:

Read the quick start guide:
http://www.raspberrypi.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/quick-start-guide-v2_1.pdf https://github.com/raspberrypi/noobs

Download your Linux image and unzip it:

Install Linux:

Run this command in terminal(make sure you have the correct /dev/disk number /dev/disk[n]):
sudo dd bs=1m if=2013-07-26-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/disk2